Thursday, September 3, 2009


My Georgie Girl is home (yeah corney but we haven't had a REAL chance to get to know her and thus we haven't had a chance to name her.) And now I guess I can actually START what this blog was supposed to be.

I conceived this as a chronicle of what we planned/thought/worried over/and did in order to go from "I THINK we ought to look hard at RV Full-timing" to actually full-timing.

We had originally been looking into a trailer/RV for a living Plan-B. I'll plead guilty to being somewhere to the near side of a survivalist though I actually stop on the scale at intense prepper. I'll take responsibility for my own damned self, thanks, y'all don't have to "rescue" me from xxxxxxxxxx. NOT self sufficient, since you really, legitimately and logically can't DO that with only 2 people, but you CAN go a fair ways up that scale to the self-reliance range. This is our goal.
Well, this and living in the RV.

So, anyway, our first step was selection. In the beginning, we were simply looking for something of a bug-out type of trailer, to be hauled by my F-150. As we got to looking at trailers and RV's there were some very interesting little RV's (on DOdge or Toyota frames) that would have done the bub-out thing REALLY well. But not a lot of trailers. And my F-150 has a towing weight limit which is fairly low....(yeah I know I shoulda looked for a 350 but I was uneducated...)
It began to look like our price range was pretty solidly in the "Change your lifestyle" size of RV (plus my lovely bride strongly suggested that 3 cats were going to need more than 21 foot of RV.

SO we started looking at 25 ft and larger and, after several months of research on Craig's List and E-ghey we found a 34 foot Georgie Boy Cruise Aire II litterally around the corner. We had looked at rigs as far away as NYC and Tennessee, Indiana, and Illinois, and Nebraska, from NE Ohio. the Cruise Aire was literally 30 miles away.

We critically looked at it, and took a LONG time to pull the trigger. Brought it STRAIGHT to the RV Shop, and told em to do whatever it took. I STILL don't quite understand the smile on the guy's face... LOL ...

Just under 3 Kilobux later, we have an RV with good tires, a good master propane valve (unlike how it was when we drove it home), a good new fridge, and all systems checked out.

Over the past couple weeks (it's been in the shop for 4 weeks) we've been looking at ways to learn what we don't know about RV'ing, which may be a larger quantity than we each know now (that whole what you know, what you know you don't know, what you DON'T know you don't know thing) and we have ABOUT decided that we're joining BOTH Escapees and Good Sams......Escapees does a neat boot camp in Nov (this year) in Tx, where you get taught all ALL about your infrastructure, loading, driving, etc. and we THINK we're going to try for that. (Always assuming that we get the house to the point of either listing or renting it out by then, NOT a guaranteed outcome currently.)

We'll talk more about where we're at in terms of our heads and such later. As it is, we've got a LONG day tomorrow emptying, cleaning, and filling....

C, who has been caught several times giggling foolishly this evening....

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